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Vendor: I would urge anyone buying or selling an accountancy practice, as a first step, to avail themselves of Jeremy Kitchin’s wide ranging pack of draft documents. Solicitors may work efficiently with the sales of static businesses but an accounting practice is a living and moving entity like no other and so more is required. There have to be special clauses in sale and purchase agreements that cope with and control client fall out post sale and many other issues. Jeremy’s documents are drawn up with these things in mind and one only has to look at the construction of the formats to realise that the precision of the wording comes from someone with many years of working with practices and people who own them. It is my belief that anyone with only limited drafting skills can produce a very workable set of documents that will not only reflect what they and the prospective buyer or seller will need and accept, but will shave thousands of pounds off solicitors costs.

The additional bonus is that Jeremy is on hand to advise on what is in final draft and provide an overall view as to whether it is likely to all work in practice. This really is a first class service and my thanks go to him.

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